Overview of the ATF SDK - ATF Manager flow

Overview of the ATF SDK - ATF Manager flow

High level flow


ATF SDK & ATF Manager is fully standalone system, that allows to configure (ATF Manager) all settings for features provided by ATF SDK. Each publisher has own .json config file stored on a CDN. It is being update every time settings are updated in ATF Manager.

Note: Due to saving process (queue) and cache it might take up to 5 minutes to run the webpage with new settings.



Process description:

  • When a user visits a website the installation snippet, which is implemented in the webpage source code, will trigger the SDK and use the dedicated .json file
  • ATF SDK will verify site parameters, search for ad slots and enrich this data with additional information that is being stored inside .json file (e.g. all available ad slot sizes for selected types). The detection includes desktop vs mobile type
  • This data is being processed to generate proper requests for Prebid, Amazon TAM and GAM being able to run an auction
  • At first an auction is run by Prebid and Amazon TAM and as a result a winning bid is being passed to GAM
  • Google Ad Manager runs its own auction and selects the winning bid (key-values can be passed to GAM from a webpage in case of campaigns)
  • A creative is being served on a webpage

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