In <head> Section

In <head> Section


Data layer information

In data layer publishers need to define:

  • contentType

  • channel


Also a publisher can share custom key-values via a data layer.



This parameter is predefined. A publisher can select out of four options. You use it to describe the type of a subpage which the user has visited.

  • homepage

  • channel

  • article

  • gallery

  • interactive

  • usergenerated



·      homepage -> Start page

Example: https://www.haus.de/

·       channel -> Overview page (navigation) like Bauen, Modernisieren, Garten, etc.

·       article -> Article on your page

·       gallery -> Is used when you want to work with image galleries and ads.

·       interactive -> Is used for interactive content. E.g. part of the web site where the user interacts with the site and you want to sell that content separately.

·       usergenerated -> Is used for e.g. a forum where you have user generated content.



This parameter is defined by the publisher. It describes on which webpage the user stays. It can describe section/channel with custom names. Along with contentType it is used to describe ad slots in a more detailed way.
In general the channel reflects the main navigation of your page. Sub navigation can be passed via atf-targeting with a key channel. For details please refer to topic Passing custom key-values to GAM

 Example of data layer information:
<script type="text/javascript">            window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];            dataLayer.push({ 'atf-contentType': 'channel' });            dataLayer.push({ 'atf-channel': 'fashion' })  </script>


If a channel cannot map the main navigation as for example tag pages (Tag pages are often used to summarise content on specific topics or keywords. All article with a specific tag appear on the corresponding tag page) the channel should be designated as no-channel and bundle all pages in it.

In this example we have the Tag page makeup-pflege which is assigned to the channel: no-channel (see console below right, underlined red)



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