Updating the data layer information

Updating the data layer information

After the data layer values have been configured the publisher can update the values for the whole page. From this moment, all the newly identified ad slots will use the new values. The update can be done by executing the scripts: 

To update the content type: 

dataLayer.push({'atf-contentType': 'newContentType'});  dataLayer.push({'event': 'atf-contentTypeUpdated'}); 

 To update the channel: 

dataLayer.push({'atf-channel': 'newChannel'});  dataLayer.push({'event': 'atf-channelUpdated'}); 

To update the targeting: 

dataLayer.push({'atf-targeting': { 'atf_sdk_custom_key': 'newValue'}}); dataLayer.push({'event': 'atf-targetingUpdated'});

For more details about the data layer values, check “Data layer information” (page 6). 


This parameter is optional. It is used for different content types than the one which is defined in the data layer. The content type has to comply with the rules defined in “Data layer information” (page 6).

<atf-ad-slot id="my_site_ad_slot_4" atf-format="content" atf-formatSize="1000x250" atf-formatNote="special" atf-contentType="gallery"> </atf-ad-slot>


This parameter is optional. It is used for a different channel than the one that is defined in the data layer.

<atf-ad-slot id="my_site_ad_slot_4" atf-format="content" atf-formatSize="1000x250" atf-formatNote="special" atf-channel="cars"> </atf-ad-slot>

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