Scripts config tab

Scripts config tab

Please note that if a script affects more than one publisher, please add the script to the global scripts. If a script affects an individual publisher, please file it with the specific publisher.

To run a script for a single publisher, you can do this under the Scripts config tab at publisher level




In order for IDs to take effect at publisher level, they must be stored under the Variables. Please note that the publishers scope takes priority (see hereGlobal Scripts tab). See example for Boote below:




Please use the variables if two publishers have two different solutions for one value

Scripts config tab configures scripts which are included on a webpage.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-13 um 15.58.26.png
  1. Scripts title - name/description of the script

  2. Priority:

    1. low - SDK load script after first ad request

    2. high - SDK load script during initialization

    3. very high - SDK load script during initialization before high priority scripts

  3. Required - toggle: if required is true, SDK will throw an error and stop initialization process whenever script fails to load. The 'Required' switch should only be used for scripts, that absolutely need to be loaded before loading ads (like Prebid, GAM, Relevant Yield). If the script fails to load (for example due to an error), when the ads will not be loaded. As long as the script is not executed, the ads will not be loaded. 

  4. Force execution - toggle to force the script delivery even when no_ad applied (even if dataLayer.push({ 'atf-noAdDelivery': true });)

  5. Use user consent - on/ off toggle: if useUserConsent is true, SDK will check if consents are applied for vendors from vendorIDs list and then load scripts if all consents are allowed

  6. Vendor ID: vendorIDs is list of vendor ids for which consents need to be verified if useUserConsent is true. The IDs only need to be separated by a comma and there is no limit of Vendor IDs. The vendor IDs are stored with an and-link.

  7. Script input - to include the script

  8. on/off - toggle to turn on (activate) or off (deactivate) the script. If deactivated, script will not be included.

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