Java Script

Java Script





JavaScript Libraries

The use of JS libraries and frameworks, such as jQuery, Angular, etc. is basically possible. Please note that first, per website, it must be checked whether an instance of the JS library, or frameworks, is already used on the website.Should this lead to conflicts, BCN can disable the relevant ad media until the error has been corrected, or the JS library/framework has been removed from the ad media.The use of JS libraries and frameworks we do not recommend in general, because they are usually not needed for the creation of ad media.

File Size

The JavaScript code should be kept as small as possible. Use Minifier or similar tools, so that the ads can be loaded as quickly as possible. Especially for mobile, a slim JavaScript is desirable, because here usually weaker processors are used, and thus the processing of JS takes longer.


The use of document.write() should be avoided. If an ad overwrites the page because of a document.write(), it will be disabled immediately.


Animations must be created in a resource-efficient way. The use of setInterval() or setTimeout() is not allowed.
