| |
Format | mp4, webm, 3GPP, MOV |
Framerate | 25 - 30 fps |
Codec | WebM Files Vp8 Video Codec and Vorbis Audio Codec MPEG4, 3GPP and MOV-Files Format: H264 und MPEG4 Codec forVideo, AAC Codec for Audio AVI: MJPEG Codec for Video, MP2 Codec for Audio WMV
Protocol | VAST 4.0 |
Bitrate | max. 6000 KB/sec |
Dimensions | 1920 x1080 px |
Ratio | 16:9 |
Weight | max. 5 MB |
Duration | 6 - 30 seconds |
3rd Party | yes, if |
Trackingpixel | yes (image-pixel only) |
Sound | at least 128 kbps, 44 kHz, stereo, ACC or MP3 (our recommendation) |
Note | The format can be delivered as PreRoll & MidRoll The video must start directly in the first frame. Black frames at the beginning or end of the advert are not permitted Please send tracking or redirects as a separate attachment (text or Excel file *.xlsx). Please provide files larger than 10 MB as a download link.